Friday, June 12, 2009


Moving today. Got my new laptop on Wednesday thank god. Katie has so much stuff to pack. She's got like 50 pairs of shoes whereas I only have 3. Work is getting busier which is good. Still have no benefits though, that sucks. And still looking for another job. Sometimes I think I should have kept that other contract job. Now that I got my laptop I can start studying again for my certs. I NEED those. I hope the new apartment has a free wifi spot somewhere. Biking around Seattle is cool. I need to get street tires though. Biking with my mountain bike tires wears me out faster and I have to stop and rest every 10 miles or so.

No job scheduled for today, so I think I'm going to finish packing some stuff. I have to work tomorrow and Sunday so that's good. Need more money. I saw Terminator and Up this week. They weren't too bad. I'm probably going to go out and get some food in a few. I'm hungry.

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