Thursday, November 29, 2007

Practical in about an hour!

I'm freaking out! I've practiced a bunch of times, but I'm afraid I'm going to forget something or that I missed studying over something. Also, my BP bulb has a hole in it and is now leaking air. I'm going to have to ask the instructor for a new one.

I'm more worried about the practical then the actual written exam. I'm so nervous. When I read this again I'm going to be satisfied that all of this is over with and I will be going on to the next step I hope that I do well and can get a descent grade on the practical. My overall grade right now is an 88% but I hope to improve it. I don't think I did well on the test last night. Hope I do better today. I have to study more! That's what it comes down to.

Study, study, study! I have such a problem with that and always procrastinate. Remember Eric, study lots beforehand!

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