Tuesday, August 5, 2008

At work.

So I'm at work trying to study. It's been kind of slow here today. I wish I could just be a tech and work on computers all day. So, why do I write these blogs? To talk about my relationships! So what's happened so far? Katie said she loved me. Wow, I was taken aback by it. I mean, it was so soon. I don't even know what love is anymore? I know that when I'm not with her, I miss her. I would do almost anything for her. That I don't want to lose her in that way. Maybe that's love. It's hard to go back to someone as a friend after that.

Matt and Jackie "broke up" again. I feel bad for the guy. So far Katie and I haven't had any bad fights or anything which is good. It's still too early though. And now the question... Do I really love her? Maybe. I say it. Whenever I'm with her I do. But sometimes when I'm not I don't feel that way. Well, that's not really right. It's confusing. Only you will know. I want to move to Seattle with her, but I just know it's going to take longer for me to get out there unless I can find a good job. I'm going to lose her, that much is certain.

I will miss her when she leaves and finds a new man. Someone better, but hopefully doesn't treat her like crap. I haven't been feeling all right lately. Kind of blah. I need to stop smoking and start working out again. Katie and I have been staying out too late and it's getting to me. It's harder to wake up on time.

Oh well, I gotta go now.

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