Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Studying at work... again.

Well, procrastination is always the case it seems. I always wait till the last minute to do something. I had another chat with my instructor after I took the midterm yesterday and he said he was impressed by me and saw a lot of potential. I don't know. I just don't see it. Maybe it's because no one has ever said that to me before outside of my family. I'll have to wait and see. He even mentioned me coming back as an instructor. Now I definately do not see that! But it was a nice suggestion.

I still need to go over chapter 22 environmental emergencies. Which is about another 23 pages, plus homework. Last night I was playing World of Warcraft with Reggie and some other friends online. I have to admit, it felt good to be with my friends. Though I really didn't do anything for myself in the game. In regards to leveling up to 60. I did help Reggio and his brother Mario as well as some guy named Chris on some missions. I haven't worked out in almost two weeks now though and I need to get back in to that.

Kim called again last night. I never got a chance to go over there since she supposedly had her phone on silence (yeah right). And didn't get back to me till after I had passed by her place. I told her another time, but then she called back later that night to tell me what was on TV again.

I still have mixed feelings towards what I want to do with that whole mess. I am still upset and going over there, while part of me would want to stay, part of me wants to be done with it. She has chosen (for now at least) that she wants to go back to her ex. I guess everytime I think about that I get upset. Maybe I should use that to stop myself from going over there and being so friendly. At least she dropped my student ID off this morning at work.

Well, I should get back to studying for tonight. Chris said that there was going to be a sort of Jeopardy game tonight. Now that I have made myself known to him, I have this feeling that he is going to pick on me. I hope not. Other people need to learn too.

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