Monday, February 9, 2009

Monday night.

Went to my first tech call with Art today. It was a very rewarding experience and I learned a lot. Things didn't go so smooth and it was a good learning experience to see how Art figured out how to get passed them. I also went to the highest building in Seattle and got to see the sky view. It was fucking sweet! I also asked him if you can make a good living off of the job and he just said that he bought a new car based off of the job he is now working with.

I can't wait to start making more money so that I can get on top of my bills. These past 3 months have been hell for me and I have been slacking a lot, but now there is a glimpse of hope and I can't wait to get moving on them. Katie and I are doing good, as far as I know. Things are getting back to normal again. I was a complete ass before and I never want to go through that again. I'll wait and see how things go, as far as our next fight is concerned. Then there's the whole going out with other guys thing too.

I'm also losing more weight so that is a good thing. I can't wait for my pants to start getting even more loose. I'm not even working out right now and I am still losing weight. It's fantastic! Well, that's all I can think of today. I guess I'll get backed to this tomorrow.


So, I just had the worst nightmare of my whole life and I thought I should write it down while it is still fresh in my mind...

I was sleeping in bed and for some reason was completely cloaked by Death himself. He was slowly smothering me to death and I could hear his voice. I couldn't breath and his black cloak was enveloping me and suffocating me. I "woke up" from this dream and was in bed with Katie. She woke up and I tried telling her what happened. I saw Death standing above me and lunged for the floor, but he really wasn't there. My heart was racing, Katie was upset and angry. I started praying and rocking back and forth. Katie was asking what was wrong with me. I turned to her and a stuffed skunk or some animal turned to her and started screaming at a high pitch noise. (Even typing it is sending chills down my back) So she starts screaming horribly and we bolt from the room. Her brother is in the shower, so we head for the bathroom, she's still screaming, the world is evil and something is coming to get us, I go to pull the shower curtains back... and I wake up. The fear in my mind and my shaking body made this the worst dream I ever had. I was even afraid to go back to sleep.

I just got up to kind of clear my head. Well, I think that is enough. Believe it or not we have only been asleep for about 2 1/2 hours. I'm going to try to go back to bed now.

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