Sunday, January 20, 2008

Thinking about her again.

I find myself thinking about Kim again. How I miss seeing her and hanging out with her. Yesterday I managed to block her out of my head for most of the day. But usually like when someone stops eating and then they binge, thoughts of her rush into my head and it's twice as hard to force them out. So, in the hopes of keeping her out I am going to post 20 cons about her.

1 - She never knew what she wanted.
2 - She had low self esteem.
3 - She still loved her ex after he treated her like shit.
4 - She never appreciated me being there for her.
5 - She used me to get back at her ex.
6 - She wasn't considerate of my wants, despite what she might think.
7 - She thought she was right about everything.
8 - She NEVER apologized for anything SHE caused.
9 - She kicked me out without even telling her other ex I lived there.
10 - She kicked me out so her current ex could move back in.
11 - She didn't want someone to be equal in a relationship. She wants a puppy.
12 - She doesn't know what she wants in a relationship.
13 - She cancelled any plans I made to go out with her on holidays to work. HER CHOICE.
14 - I was her rebound.
15 - She was using me as a backup in case going back to him fails.
16 - She is naive.
17 - She is a LIAR.
18 - She thinks she knows everything about the world because she reads it in a book.
19 - She is selfish.
20 - She never loved me. (Get that thought out of your head right now. She wasn't hinting at ANYTHING. Nothing nice or kind that you did would not sway her from feeling that you were better than him. She said she was HAPPIER with him. Fuck that! You were everything he wasn't and was better to her in the begining than anything else. Stop thinking that blowing up on her broke the rift anymore. It was already seperated and she had made her choice already. You are better than that. She is a inconsiderate bitch and you don't need her. She doesn't DESERVE to be YOUR friend!)

I've thought about her enough today. Now that I am done thinking about her I am going to block her out of my thoughts. I will go see Cloverfield again, maybe get something to eat, study, workout, play some WoW, then go to bed.

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