Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Those around me.

I thought I would write a little about the people in and around my life at this moment. It seems that the majority of this blog has been about Kim and my turmoil and hardship about my relationship with her. Of course, she is not the ONLY person I know. Here's a short list with a little description of those around me that I know. Just random people off of the top of my head that I interact the most with, no special order.

Alan Harper:

I met him when I started working at the Core. He seemed like a cool guy right off the bat. Developed a friendship with him not too long after I started working there. He was the first person I talked to about liking Kim. He sort of warned me about going out with her. He has tons of friends and goes out to clubs a lot. I went out with him for the first time around December 2006 and got completely hammered. I had a blast though. Have seen him a couple other times and it was fun. Though nothing can top the first time.

Matt Kamp:

Actually met him through his brother Mike at ITT. After Mike got me the job at The Core, I worked with him. Took me out to lunch on the first day. Developed a friendship with him and have been friends ever since. Hung out after work a bunch of times. I got angry with him once after my initial breakup with Kim, but apologized and got over it. Doesn't like to go out a lot though. Has been hanging out with a neighbor of his. A girl named Jackie. She seems pretty cool.

Marcin Sarna:

Met him at The Core. Wojo got him a job there. Didn't really talk to him much when he first started working there. Don't remember when I really started to be friendly with him. But eventually did. We went out to lunch a few times. Has a girlfriend and likes to party a lot. Not a really heavy drinker. Have only seen him at a club once. This past weekend. He's tried to help me through my times with Kim. He's a good guy.

Reggie Taylor:

Known him for years. We used to play basketball a lot when we were younger. Didn't talk for a long while after I started going out with Kim. He got me the job at RR Donnelly. I hate to say it, but he is kind of a flake. After introducing to Kim, she went on to insult him and myself for being friends with him. Some bullshit like "it tells a lot about a person depending on who they hang out with". I admit he did flake on the whole "car incident". Likes to play WoW a lot. Sometimes TOO much. Helped me level to 60 though. We always talk about working out again, but as of yet haven't been able to motivate myself to go.

Jaime Nadolny:

A girl that started working across from me last year. At first, Kim wanted to break up with me thinking that I would rather go out with her instead. She was pretty attractive and I couldn't help but check her out from time to time. Over the past year though I've come to think of her as just a friend/co-worker. She complains a lot about work and stuff. Sometimes it can be a little excessive. But she is cool and has tried to help/give advise on my ex woes. She has a boyfriend now and maybe deep down inside I am a little attracted to her. It won't go anywhere though.

Carmen Shelby:

My supervisor. She interviewed me when I started working at The Core. She's talks REALLY loud and is sometimes over-enthusiastic about things. Is pretty demanding and wants things done now, now, now! Some people are pissed off at the way she "pesters" them. I've never had any trouble with it. You just do what she asks and keep her up to date on your work and she's happy with it. She hired me after working temp for 2-3 months. Said I was a hard worker and didn't slack. Promoted me after I graduated ITT and has given me two raises since. Sometimes I find her midly attractive and even find myself checking her out sometimes. Wow, if anyone knew that they would probably think I was crazy. I've had a few intense dreams about her. Hmm...

Dan Kunkle:

Main programmer at The Core. Didn't talk much to him at all when I first started working there. Talked more after I "proved" myself and even more after I was promoted to System Administrator. Was kind of a grumpy and angry guy as we got more busy and seemed upset a lot until Chuck was hired. Has mellowed some and went golfing with him a few times. He's pretty cool now. Has asked if I was interested in fixing his wife's server for her business. Have yet to get back to him about that, but could definately use the money.

Brent Benfield:

Met him as a freshman in high school. Became friends and have stayed in contact ever since we graduated. We hang out and go to clubs sometimes and it's good to have him as a friend. He was on MTV's Next. I met the girl he chose and she was ok. He recently said that he has moved back home. I am looking forward to hanging out with him.

Audra Torvet:

Met her when I started working dayshift at Target. She always flirted with me and gave me advise on my relationship with Andrea. I was attracted to her, but held firm when I went down there to visit her one weekend. She was trying to seduce me and it worked to a point. I managed to resist her until the last 15 minutes when she started to give me a BJ while driving her back home. We have been in contact on and off since we stopped working there. She has stated on numerous occasions that she wanted to have sex. I gave excuses, some real, some lies. Last time we talked she was drunk and told me that her boyfriend got mad at her for talking to me.

Wojo Czarnieki:

Met him at The Core. Part of the "original 6" as I like to call it. Those included are myself, Matt, Alan, Bob Lopatka, and Mike Kamp. Likes to work out a lot. You could say obsessed. But he prides himself in his health and appearence. Has stated that he has been with a lot of girls. Always gives advise on health, girls, work, etc. Most of the time it's reasonable advise, but I might not always follow it. He has also tried helping me through my ex problems.

Katie Jaskierny:

Met her when she got hired to work at The Core. Didn't really talk or get to know her that well at first. Have talked to her more now. She has a boyfriend, works out, and smokes. She seems like a cool girl. Chuck stated that he was attracted to her, until he found out she had a long term boyfriend. She's not bad looking. If she didn't have a boyfriend and I was in better shape, I would probably try asking her out. She works in production with Kim and is a good worker.

Chris George:

My instructor at Superior. Wow, can you say a good guy or what. He's probably the best instructor you have ever met. I've seen is nice side and his military strict side. And I have to respect both. He is very determined in getting the class to succeed and goes the extra mile to help. But expects us to work in return. I talked to him about the ex when I told him I might drop the class because of it. He convinced me to stay and I am glad he did. I am proud to say that I am honored to be his student.

Kim Thorpe:

I should probably mention how I met Kim. I first met her at The Core and was not attracted to her until later on. I got the impression that she worked hard, was educated, and had a boyfriend. After a few months I began to find her attractive and started working out religously with the attempt to gather enough confidence to ask her out. Not long after she broke up with her boyfriend, I asked. She accepted and the first two months were bliss for me. Later on, after the whole accident with my groin and ED incident, she started seeing me as only a friend. Soon more problems developed. She started seeing her ex again, then we broke up. That's the short version. Maybe I'll go into more depth one day.

Well, that's about it for now. I'm still at work and need to go back, grab my internet equipment and drive back to the apartment.

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